GoGo Active Tours

About Us

Ecotourism Enthusiasts

The GoGo Active Team

GoGo Active Tours was born from a love of our great city, its weather and wanting to show it off to family and friends. After much investigation and research, we understood people wanted to see more than the Perth central business district, the shops and restaurants. Tourists and locals alike wanted to get out and explore further but also enjoy a little exercise.

We are locals who know and understand the tour locations, the weather and the equipment we use. Our local knowledge aims to leave you safe, energised and with a strong sense of accomplishment.

As keen kayakers we are on the river weekly, exploring the best that Perth has to offer. As keen cyclists, we also bicycle regularly looking at new, interesting and exciting places to visit.

All our qualifications, insurances and licenses are fully complaint with the relevant regulatory authorities and checked by the industry body, Tourism Council of WA. 

We are qualified first aiders and carry first aid equipment with us.

Friendly and Professional

Meet Your Guides

Matt Baldock

A super keen traveller Matt has kayaked and cycled all over the world. He has paddled with Hippos in South Africa, Crocs in Broome, chased penguins around the New Zealand coast, explored many European rivers and a must for a Perth lad, paddled to Rottnest over 20 times.

His biking resume is even longer but some favourite rides are along the Rhine river in Germany, the Clare valley in South Australia, exploring Berlin and of course Perth’s amazing network of paths.

Having always worked with people in sales and as a workplace trainer, tour guiding came naturally. In 2023, Matt was a finalist in the FACET Golden Guide Award.

Born and bred in the country, Matt moved to Perth for high school so has a strong knowledge of the bush.

“I love meeting people from around the world, showing them different places that they wouldn’t find without my help and explaining our history and the significance of the places we visit”

Kevin Lampard

Kevin has travelled extensively around Australia and the world by foot, bike, boat, plane, train and old car.

He has backpacked, hiked and  hitchhiked around New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

He has travelled by train through the Canadian rockies, cycled Vancouvers scenic bike paths and kayaked amongst the Gulf Islands off Canada’s west coast.

Settling and living in Perth some 30+ years ago, Kevin has worked for many years in the environmental engineering field and has qualifications and a love for all things horticultural, particularly West Australian native plants. 

Sue Baldock (Matt’s Better Half)

A trained teacher who still works part time and “moon lights” as a tour guide. Sue speaks fluent German and French so can always act as a translator if needed (send us a request if you would like a translator in these languages or others).

Sue loves nothing better than to chat with people. A born communicator, she will provide you with some great stories about the places you will visit.

Born and raised in the area, she knows all the best places to see, where to eat and has lots of recommendations on other places to visit.

Organisations We Are Linked With

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